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Deepening Reforms for Collaborative High-Quality Development: Province-Wide Integrated Agriculture-Tourism “Common Prosperity Workshop” Enhancement Event Held in Lishui City
Date:2024-09-03 Source:Lishui Daily

From August 19 to 20, a province-wide event focused on enhancing Zhejiang’s integrated agriculture-tourism “Common Prosperity Workshops” was held in Longquan, Lishui City. The meeting aimed to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session, as well as President Xi Jinping’s important discussions on common prosperity. It also sought to earnestly carry out the provincial party committee’s deployment requirements for comprehensively strengthening the “Three Teams” construction, summarize and exchange experiences on the development of integrated agriculture-tourism “Common Prosperity Workshops”, and plan the next steps. Yu Peifen, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and Li Xinfang, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, attended the event and delivered speeches. Zhu Linsen, Deputy Secretary of the Lishui Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Lishui, attended and delivered a speech, and Dai Pinghui, a member of the Standing Committee of the Lishui Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, also attended the event.

The construction of “Common Prosperity Workshops” is an innovative initiative by Zhejiang Province in its efforts to build a high-quality development demonstration zone for common prosperity. In recent years, various levels of organizational and cultural-tourism departments across the province have worked together, focusing on the key task of “expanding the middle class and increasing the income of low-income groups”. They have adhered to party leadership and organizational promotion, tapping into and utilizing the unique resources and strengths of rural areas to establish a number of integrated agriculture-tourism “Common Prosperity Workshops”, effectively boosting employment and income for farmers.

With the strong support of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Lishui City has continuously deepened the “Hundred Workshops Demonstration, Thousand Workshops Enhancement” initiative, promoting the full-chain upgrade and transformation of the mountain-area “Common Prosperity Workshops”, and steadily helping the people in the old revolutionary base areas move forward on the new journey toward common prosperity. To date, the city has established a total of 944 “Common Prosperity Workshops”, including 164 integrated agriculture-tourism workshops, directly contributing over 14 million yuan in annual income growth for village collectives. These workshops have also helped more than 7,300 mountain-area workers and over 850 low-income rural households find employment close to home, achieving an average annual income increase of more than 27,000 yuan per person.

During the event, Lishui City announced the second phase of the “I Have a Village in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province” Rural Revitalization and Common Prosperity Partner Recruitment Program. This recruitment plan not only seeks to involve urban villages with capital and assets, as well as relocated villages, by establishing new partnership entities under the name of strong village companies, but also encourages localities to recruit related villages nearby based on their geographical location, industry, and resources through a “bundled recruitment” approach.

Over the course of two days, participants in the event visited several “Common Prosperity Workshops” in Longquan City. At the “Dendrobium Flower Blooming” workshop in Xijie Subdistrict, they learned about the profit-sharing model combining equity investment, housing circulation, and cultural tourism attraction. They then toured the “Love at First Sword” workshop in Jianchi Subdistrict to explore the deep integration of “industry, intangible cultural heritage, and live streaming” as a development path. Additionally, they visited the “Inextinguishable Kiln Fire” workshop in Baoxi Township, where they experienced the vibrant vitality brought by the “cultural revitalization, industry-driven, and professional operation” model.

Currently, the construction of “Common Prosperity Workshops” is in full swing. Through these enhancement activities, various regions and units will use deepening reforms as a pathway to further intensify their efforts, enhance party-led joint construction, and guide the improvement of workshop quality and effectiveness. They will strengthen organizational roles to expand the wealth-generating effects of the workshops, optimize service support to ensure efficient and stable operation, and leverage “small-scale initiatives” to create strong engines for wealth creation. By releasing the significant wealth-generating effects of “micro-brands” and solidifying the “soft power” foundation for sustainable prosperity, they aim to collaboratively create a beautiful picture of the high-quality development of “Common Prosperity Workshops”.